Tools & Templates

Tools & Templates

Mural templates

Here are some Mural templates we’ve hand-picked for you to run your own collaborative online workshop!

And you can find hundreds more in Mural’s public template library.


More recommended tools

Digital collaboration whiteboards

In a virtual world digital tools are essential for effective virtual collaboration. These are some of our favourite tools you can start using today:

Learn by watching:

Welcome to MURAL. What, why, and how to use it [4 min]
A Guide to Digital Collaboration: Whiteboard Alternatives & Use Cases [1h20m]
"Advanced Mural Training" with Meagan Dobson from Mural [20 min]

Prototyping tools

Prototyping is a great way to test out new ideas quickly. Read Prototyping 101 for more info.

Customer empathy / interview tools

Understanding your customers can help inform a more successful strategy for any initiative. Read Customer Empathy for more info.

  • Surveys and forms (useful for collecting info from wider groups of people)
  • Loom - for screen recording online customer interviews
  • Reduct - transcribes video recordings into searchable text