Design Thinking Essentials
Delivered by Koch U
Open to anyone! Learn the fundamentals of Design Thinking in two hands-on sessions.

Design Thinking Coffee Hour ☕
Hosted by Advance Concepts
A community meetup which brings like-minded people together to discuss Design Thinking and innovation.

Learning Live: MURAL Advance Training
Meagan Dobson (Mural) and Jung Choi (Advance Concepts)
Learn advanced tips and tricks in MURAL! A 60 minute deep-dive into power tips and shortcuts, plus new features and a live Q&A.

A Guide to Digital Collaboration
Jung Choi - Human-centered design lead
Whiteboard alternatives & use cases - Intro of Mural, Miro, and MS Whiteboard. Live demo and comparisons.

Intro to Human-Centered Design
Kasey Clarke - Human-centered design lead
Learn about Design Thinking and applying it for impact. Advance Concepts shares leading practices and stories.

Koch U: Innovation & Design Thinking
Presented by Advance Concepts
Part of the Koch U Conference, this is an introduction to accelerating innovation with Design Thinking.