Intro to digital collaboration

Intro to digital collaboration


An introduction to 3 virtual collaboration tools - Mural, Miro, and Microsoft Whiteboard

Reading Time

10 mins

What is this for? Advance Conceptsâ„¢, Guardian, GP's Working Smarter, and KGS present best alternatives for in-person workshop. Digital collaboration tools like Mural, Miro, and Microsoft Whiteboard have come a long way to improve remote work. Learn how you can leverage these tools to advance your idea with your team. Mindset and core principles Be open to transformative new ways of working. Digital whiteboard enhances inclusivity and empower individuals to bring their diverse perspectives.


This is a recording from the Dec 7th Learning Live Event. We presented best alternatives, 3 digital whiteboard options for Koch employees with use cases.

Step 1: Study your options and choose what's best for your team

  • Watch the above video to learn about the tools available to you and your team. These tools provide easy to use, intuitive interfaces but new technology can't be embraced by everyone.
    • Microsoft Whiteboard is already included with your O365 account and can be easily integrated to your Teams meeting.
    • Mural and Miro requires individual or team account. $10-12/user/mo but both offer extensive trial period (3 months). Try it first and it can be requested through Compass.
  • Mural and Miro offers great tutorials and self guided learning videos. (3 minutes each)
  • Yammer communities on MS Whiteboard and Mural/Miro

Step 2: Leverage the features to maximize potential

  • Digital Whiteboard easily archives your work and you can 'Work together but Alone' diverging and converging to maximize your meeting time.
    • work offline to collect individual thoughts on stickies and online to Vote and discuss ideas.
  • All platforms allow easy export (PDF, SVG, or PNG)
  • Templates for Design Thinking activities
  • MS Whiteboard can easily link, share your O365 documents.
    • During a Teams meeting, you can easily pull up MS Whiteboard to ideate and collaborate.
  • Mural and Miro features
    • accessible through browser (Chrome or Edge preferred)
    • Summon power (facilitator can limit, call to your view as you zoom, pan)
    • Vote (anonymously vote on stickies or elements)
    • Private mode (contribute anonymously)
    • Timer
    • Lock (elements so participants can't move/manipulate texts and instructions)
    • allow unlimited number of internal/external Koch participants with public/visitor link. (*these links allow free participation without adding members to your account)

Step 3: Watch outs

  • Plan ahead and utilize templates to facilitate your work stream
    • we recommend 2-3 facilitators per workshop
    • Lead facilitator to oversee all flow
    • co-facilitators to note, document, and arrange behind the scenes
    • Time box discussions and activities
  • Microsoft Whiteboard only works with internal KII O365 tenants
  • only MS Whiteboard works on Surface Hubs
  • Compliance
    • do not use Mural and Miro's chat/comment/video functions
    • restrict access and change public/visitor links to protect IP and confidential information
  • Digital fatigue is real. We observed that people tend to loose focus after 1.5 hour on screen. Allow plenty of breaks and work offline as much as possible.
    • User energizers and ice-breakers
    • Keep analog (use stickies, pen and paper)
    • Have Fun!

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