Ask the Experts & HMWs

Ask the Experts & HMWs

Recipe step number

Day 1, Activity 4


Aligning on the problem worth solving

Reading Time

6 mins

Recipe: Design Sprint (Day 1)

  1. Long-Term Goal
  2. Killer Questions
  3. Map
  4. Ask the Experts (here)
  5. Choosing a Target
Check out this simpler version of the How Might We activity


Why do Expert Interviews? Nobody knows everything and talking to experts is fast! Knowledge is often dispersed and learning from more people helps teams gather more information. The team will use this to choose the most important target area/s to focus on. Why use "How Might We" notes? HMW’s are used to concisely frame areas of opportunity that could be solved in many ways. Multiple HMWs are written to help identify (and then narrow down) the most important problems areas.

Here's a video from Relab Studios explaining the purpose and process of the Expert Interview

Key Tips

Tips from the Sprint Book – pages 79-82
Key learnings and tips from Advance Concepts

How to do this activity

Allow 45 mins
[20-30 mins] The Expert Interview (and collecting HMWs)
[5 mins] Organize the HMWs 
[5 mins] Voting