Rumble (optional)

Rumble (optional)

Recipe step number

Day 3, Activity 2


Decide if you’ll do just one prototype or more

Reading Time

3 mins

Recipe: Design Sprint (Day-3)

  1. Deciding on ideas
  2. Rumble (optional)
  3. User Test Flow
  4. Storyboard
Materials needed: - Mural (digital whiteboard) - Microsoft Teams (or other video conference tool)
Related tools: Note & Vote can help here to quickly poll the group on whether or not the team should do a Rumble


Why do this? - Sometimes you need to have a benchmark to test against. - OR you have two different (but equally valid) winning solutions you want to learn about. - OR you have a large team that is able to divide efforts and be more aspirational. This is a moment to reflect and decide if you should (or can) do one or more prototype.

Key Tips

Key tips from the Sprint book (pages 145-147)
Key tips from Advance Concepts™

How to do this activity

Allow max 20 mins
  • The facilitator should help guide this decision by:
    • Asking all the team members how much time they can commit to build the prototype/s (Day 4) and perform testing with customers (Day 5)
    • Asking if there are any other resources available to help with the extra work of testing multiple concepts
    • Giving the team an idea of how much time & effort might be needed to build the "winning" prototypes
  • Vote or discuss
    1. Vote
      • Set the timer for 10 mins
        • Have an open discussion with the group where anyone can voice their thoughts about whether they think the team should Rumble (test multiple ideas) or do All-in-one (test one concept)
      • Set another timer for 1 min
        • Write 2 stickies: "Rumble" and "All-in-one"
        • Each person has one vote
      • The Decider can make the final choice, or you can go with the group's votes
    2. Discuss
      • Set the timer for 10 mins
        • Have an open discussion with the group where anyone can voice their thoughts about whether they think the team should Rumble (test multiple ideas) or do All-in-one (test one concept)
      • If necessary the Decider acts as the tie-breaker and makes the final call